Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Melting in the Greek Sun

It's really, really, really hot. Between 120 and 130, I'm not kidding you. And I'm doing 8 hours of manual labor a day. Sometimes shaded, sometimes not. I got very sick yesterday and my body shut down -- I was tripping over everything and I think I was hallucinating just a teeny bit. I'm just not used to this and it's hard to stay motivated and excited about everything when it's so damn hot. It's worth it though -- I know it is. This is just a heat wave and it should drop by at least 10 degrees celcius over the weekend. And it'll go back to being exciting again, and I will love it a ridiculous amount again.

I have two great friends here and we have a great time just hanging out and wandering around the village streets. And our prof is really amazing and he answers all my questions. I dig it (oh snap). And I'm pretty much adjusted to the lifestyle, except for the heat and the early mornings. And that'll come in time, I think. I hope, anyway.

Tragana is very different. It's small and peaceful and nothing much happens there. Everyone is extraordinarily nice and it's ridiculously safe for everyone. Very very few of the people speak English, and there isn't internet access really. No newspapers, no information sourse. I am completely cut off from American culture and news and I don't really mind it too much at all. I was not expecting that. But I could really do with a hamburger and a Star Wars marathon. I really miss the movies and the people and the food, even though we eat pretty well here.

I also have a cell phone now. I'm obviously not going to publish the number here, so either check my facebook or email me if you want it! I'd love to hear from you. Or write me a letter! I have an addy and I would love love love to get mail.

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